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Annual Seminar

The field of research ranges widely for the Department of Diplomacy, encompassing issues from domestic politics to foreign policies, while topics such as regional cooperation and others of great international importance are all incorporated. Many of the related researches and projects published by the Department become sources of reference for the government in policy making, contributing greatly in the research and development of international relations here in Taiwan. The annual international academic workshops that the Department holds, not only are they the channel of opinion exchange for different domestic circles, but also propel the Department to couple its research and teaching with international standards, by means of inviting international scholars to visit and publish in Taiwan. International relations in East Asia, North America, European Union, Latin America and Middle East are the current focus of research of the Department, incubating those determined to contribute in this field of research, at the same time, establishing the long term goal of academic research and policy development to be supplementary of each other.



(i) 國內學術研討會:本系經常與政府單位以及民間學術機構合辦國內學術研討會,本系合作的單位包括外交部、新聞局、遠景基金會、台灣民主基金會及國內研究國際事務之相關系所等,主題涵蓋區域研究、新興市場政治經濟、全球化等相關議題。


Seminar of the Postgraduate Papers 

In order to develop the research capability of graduate students, the Department of Diplomacy holds an annual seminar for graduate papers publication. Focusing on different theme each year, these seminars present an opportunity for the graduate and Ph.D. students to enhance their ability in research discussions.



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