*For the latest information, please refer to the following link.
NCCU International Admission
Admission website :
Application for International Students Sep 2025 (nccu.edu.tw)
Office of International Cooperation(國合處)
Round-1 Admission period begins from September 24 to October 16, 2024.
(Please refer to the timetable attached above)
Round-2 Admission period begins from February 13 to March 20, 2025.
(Please refer to the timetable attached above)
*For undergraduate program applicants, we offer the enrollment in either round 1 and round 2 , please be noticed.
Information for admission is listed below:
- 招生名額 Admission Quota:
-Degree Student:5 (The total quota for 2025)
- 審查方式 Admission Criteria:
資料審查 Review of Application Materials
*視需要舉行口試 Oral interview might be required.
- 審查項目 Application Materials:
- 中文能力證明 Chinese language proficiency
- 中文自傳(親筆撰寫)。Chinese Autobiography in applicant's handwriting.
- 英文自傳(打字)。English Autobiography by typewriting.
- 其他有利審查資料,例如:英語能力證明(母語非英語之申請者)等。
- Additional Application Materials in the applicant's favor: Proof of English proficiency (applicants from non-English-speaking countries).
- 口試 Oral Interview *(得採視訊口試)(Interview Might be Required)
- 第一梯次 Round 1
視需要舉行視訊口試,如有口試之需,將於2024年11月11日進行, 口試名單及相關資訊於2024年11月06日公告於學系網站。
An online interview might be required. The interview is scheduled for 11/11/2024. Related information will be announced on the department website on 11/06/2024.
- 第二梯次 Round 2
An online interview might be required. The interview is scheduled for 04/28/2025. Related information will be announced on the department website on 04/23/2025.
- 中文能力檢定標準 Chinese Language Requirements:
申請者須通過「華語文能力測驗」基礎級檢定,或檢具相當等級之其他華語文測驗證明;惟母語為華語文或前一學位為華語文授課或前一學位主修華語文相關科系之申請人可提供相關證明替代華語文測驗成績。According to the requirements set by the Department, Applicants are required to pass the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) at Level 2 or provide other proof of Chinese language proficiency at the equivalent level before applying. Applicants who are from a Chinese-speaking country, or who have previously majored in Chinese, or whose previous degree was conducted in Chinese, may provide alternative documentation instead of Chinese proficiency test results.
- 課程始於2025年9月,詳情請見簡章。
- Academic courses will start from September 2025. Read the instructions carefully before you apply