1. Freshman: should at least achieve 75 or above for academic performance in the first semester.
2. Sophomore and above:
- should achieve 75 or above for average academic performance in previous semesters.
- took at least 1 course related to International Relation (determined by Department of Diplomacy) and achieve 80 or above for average score.
Application Instructions:
1. Application Period:According to NCCU's calendar. Late application will not be processed. (Office Hour: 09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00)
2. Place:Room 270916, 9th floor, General Building of Colleges (North)
3. Application materials: Must be submitted in person. Student ID is required.
Ø One Application Form(Please visit the website: http://aca.nccu.edu.tw/ and download the document.)
Ø One Full Academic Transcript
Ø One Official transcript with class ranking
Ø Four copies of personal statement (written preferably in Chinese, A4, BiauKai/Times New Roman, font size: 13) by typewriting in 1,000 words. Personal statement should include C.V., motivation and future prospect. (Please mark your Student ID, grade and name on the top left corner of the first page.)
Ø Other favorable evidence demonstrating the applicant's superior qualifications.(Please mark your Student ID, grade and name on the top left corner of the first page.)
Examinations: Student ID is required.
- written examination: 國際現勢(World Trends)、*Question in English and Chinese(each for 1 hour)
time:based on the timetable (previous exam)
- Oral Interview is required.
time:based on the timetable (The order of interviews will be announced on our website 3 days before the interview.)
Quota:varies from year to year
Application Results: according to NCCU's regulation, usually in the beginning of May.