Faculty members
Journal Papers
- 劉德海*, 2021.09, '氣候變遷、破壞性創新與日本-中東政經關係, ' WTO研究, Vol.2021, No.34, pp.41-76.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2021.09, '亞歐時代東北亞與中東歐國家關係:以韓國-波蘭經貿關係為例, ' WTO研究, Vol.2021, No.34, pp.1-39.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2020.10, '南韓與伊朗關係的美國因素, ' WTO 研究, Vol.2020, No.XXXIII, pp.pp. 89-117.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2020.09, 'EU-China Economic Relations in an Era of Uncertainty: Germany as an Example, ' WTO研究, Vol.2020, No.33, pp.1-37.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2020.04, '不確定時代韓國對外經貿的挑戰與文在寅政府的因應對策, ' WTO 研究, Vol.2020, No.32, pp.91-134.(華藝數位)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2019.05, '美陸貿易戰影響下的全球與亞太區域政經發展, ' 台灣經濟研究月刊, Vol.42, No.5, pp.73-81.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2019.04, '川普主義、美陸貿易戰及其對全球經濟影響, ' WTO研究, Vol.31, pp.65-94.(華藝 and 元照出版)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2018.10, '澳洲對中國政策的新作法, ' 日本與亞太研究季刊, Vol.Volume 2, No.No. 4, pp.143-160.(中山大學日本研究中心)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2018.07, '川金會後朝鮮半島情勢發展對東北亞之影響, ' 展望與探索月刊, Vol.第 16卷, No.第7期, pp.1-6.(國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2018.06, '習近平時代的中國朝鮮半島政策, ' 韓國學報, No.34, pp.131-148.(華藝)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2017.10, '從中印洞朗對峙的背景與經過剖析未來的兩國關係, ' 日本與亞太研究季刊, Vol.Volume I, No.No. 4, pp.181-188.(華藝)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2017.09, '朴槿惠時代的南韓與伊朗政經關係, ' 中東中亞期刊, Vol.1, No.1, pp.79-104.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2016.10, 'An Analysis of FTA-Centered South Korea-Australia Economic Relations, ' The Journal of International Relations, Vol.XXXXII, No.2016, pp.65-95.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2016.07, '朴槿惠時代韓國與越南經貿關係, ' WTO研究, No.29, pp.61-90.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.12, '廿一世紀韓國與印度的經貿互動, ' 韓國學報, No.第27期, pp.81-115.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.12, '變遷中的東北亞新經濟秩序:陸韓軸心vs.美日TPP, ' WTO研究, No.27, pp.127-153.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.09, '美中第七次戰略暨經濟對話之意義與影響, ' 亞太評論, Vol.第1卷, No.第5期, pp.67-82.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.08, '利益日益交集的21世紀澳洲與印度關係, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, No.XI, pp.125-150.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.05, 'A Comparative Study of Sibling Policy of the Divided Nations : Taiwan versus South Korea, ' 國際關係學報, No.第39期, pp.107-151.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.12, 'Changing International Politics on the Korean Peninsula: from Geo-politics to Geo-economics, ' Prospect Journal: Taiwan Forum, Vol.No. 12, No.October, pp.1-31.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2014.12, '朝鮮半島的國際政治學:由地緣政治轉變到地緣經濟, ' WTO研究, No.XXV, 2014, pp.93-121.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2014.12, '金正恩政權的現況與當前兩韓關係, ' 韓國學報, Vol.2014, No.Vol. XXVI, pp.105-127.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.12, '利害の一致をみる21 世紀のオーストラリアとインドの関係, ' 問題と研究, Vol.43, No.4, pp.1-34.(TSSCI)(日語(文))(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2014.12, '中韓自由貿易協定及其對東北亞經濟的衝擊, ' WTO研究, No.26, pp.143-167.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.07, '朴槿惠總統的FTA政策, ' 韓國學報, Vol.No. 1, No.XXV, pp.129-148.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.02, '馬英九連任後兩岸經貿關係及其對兩岸三地的意義, ' 亞洲研究, No.68, pp.123-140.(CSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2013.12, '韓國自由貿易協定策略及其對東北亞經濟整合的影響, ' 國際政治與經濟論叢, Vol.一, No.一期, pp.頁1-20.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2013.07, '台海兩岸關係: 台灣觀點, ' Journal of Baikbum Kim Koo and Korean National Movement Studies, Vol.10, No.0, pp.83-102.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2013.02, '韓國自由貿易協定策略與韓印全面經濟夥伴協議, ' 亞洲研究, Vol.0, No.66, pp.137-161.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 2012.10, '2007年以來的南太平洋國際環境/澳洲研究, '.
- 劉德海, 2012.09, '李明博時代的南韓與澳洲經貿關係/WTO研究, '.
- 劉德海, 2012.06, '李明博时代的韩国与澳大利亚经贸关系/西华大学学报:哲学社会科学版, ' 《西华大学学报:哲学社会科学版》, Vol.0, No.3, pp.31-37页.
- 劉德海, 2010.09, 'Cross-Straits Economic Relations under Ma Ying-jeou, ' Trading Arrangements in the Pacific Rim, Vol.4, No.9, pp.1-29.(Oxford University Press)
- 劉德海, 2010.07, '陆克文亚太共同体倡议之研析, ' 国际论坛, Vol.12, No.4, pp.15-19.
- 劉德海, 2009.10, 'India’s Response to China’s Proactive FTA Strategy, ' One-dot Center Occasional Working Papers Series in International Governance, Regimes and Globalization, Vol.2, No.3, pp.3-18.
- 劉德海, 2009.07, '印度因應中國崛起與中國FTA策略的對策, ' 國際關係學報, Vol.7, No.28, pp.191-208. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2009.02, '超越貿易的韓美自由貿易協定, ' 韓國學報, Vol.20, No.20, pp.60-73. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2009.01, 'A Taiwanese Perspective on the DPRK’s Nuclear Test, ' The Icfai University Journal of International Relations, Vol.3, No.1, pp.48-64. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2009, '變遷中的南韓中國政策, ' 台灣國際研究季刊, Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-35. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2008.04, 'South Korea’s FTA Strategy, ' Foreign Trade Review(Indian Institute of Foreign Trade), April-June, , , pp.., Vol.Vol. XLIII, No.No. 1, pp. 42-65. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2008, 'South Korea’s FTA Strategy under Roh Moo-hyun, ' WTO研究Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies, No.9, pp.177-212.
- 劉德海, 2007.01, 'Asia’s Response to China’s FTA Strategy: Implications for Asian Economic Integration, ' Journal of East Asian Affairs, Vol.Spr/Summer, No.Vol.21, 1, pp.195-232.(已獲國際政治學期刊索引(IPSA)收錄)
- 劉德海, 2007, '澳洲因應中國崛起與中國FTA策略的對策, ' WTO研究, No.8, pp.125-150. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2007, '變遷中的朝鮮半島國際環境特徵與東北亞的和平與安定, ' 國際事務期刊, No.1, pp.113-164. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2007, '霍華德時代的澳洲與印尼關係, ' 澳洲研究Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, No.8, pp. 61-86. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.03, '南韓自由貿易協定策略之研究, ' WTO 研究, Vol.2006, No.4, pp.125-153.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2006, '澳洲與變遷中的南太平洋國際環境, ' 澳洲研究Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, No.7, pp.137-183. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2005.10, 'U.S.-South Korea Relations under Kim Dae-jung and Beyond, ' Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Vol.9, No.2.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2005, 'Analysis on the Latest Development in Sino-Australian Relations, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol.6, pp.174-199.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2004.09, '南韓民主化與國家安全, ' 台灣民主季刊, Vol.1, No.3, pp.25-47.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2004, 'Australia’s Economic Relations with China and Taiwan in the Post-Cold War Era, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol.5, pp.97-124.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 2002.07, '冷戰後時期澳台及加台關係之比較研究, ' 澳洲研究, No.3, pp.157-183.
- 劉德海, 2002.06, 'A Comparative Study of Australia-Taiwan and Australia-South Korean Relations, ' International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Vol.16, No.2, pp.172-191. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2002.01, '1990年代以來南韓與印尼的政經關係, ' 海華與東南亞研究, Vol.2, No.1, pp.30-46.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.09, '冷戰後時代北韓的外交及其對東北亞的影響, ' 亞洲研究, No.40, pp.185-217. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.05, 'North Koreas Diplomatics Strategies in the Post-cold War Era: Fishing in Troubled Waters, ' International Jorunal of Korean Unification Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.79-103. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.04, '二千年兩韓高峰會對東北亞與兩岸關係的影響, ' 戰略與國際研究, Vol.3, No.2, pp.77-101. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.04, '九○年代以來加拿大與南韓關係之研究, ' 加拿大研究, Vol.4, pp.209-236. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.01, 'A Comparative Study of Australia-ROC Relations and Australia-ROK Relations in the 1990s, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol.2, pp.199-217. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2001, 'North Korea’s Diplomatic Strategies in the Post-Cold War Era: Fishing in the Trouble Water, ' International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.79-103.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 2000.12, '一九九二年以來的中共與兩韓關係, ' 國際關係學報, No.15, pp.215-238. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.06, '九○年代韓越與台越經貿關係之比較研究, ' 韓國學報, Vol.16, pp.279-292. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.01, 'Australia-Japanese Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol.1, pp.153-178. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000, 'Cross-Straits Relations and Inter-Korean Relations, ' Peace Forum,.
- 劉德海, 1999.12, '加拿大援外政策之研究-現實主義超越人道理念, ' 國際關係學報, No.14, pp.143-152. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1999.04, '後冷戰時代北韓的戰略外交、外交戰略及其對東北亞的影響, ' 戰略與國際研究, Vol.1, No.2, pp.71-92. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1998.08, '南韓與中共經貿關係之研究, ' 工業簡訊, Vol.28, No.8, pp.54-79. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1998.05, '九○年代南韓與西歐政經關係之研究, ' 工業簡訊, Vol.28, No.15, pp.126-158. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1998.02, '南韓與日本經貿關係之研析, ' 韓國學報, Vol.15, pp.199-208. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1997.01, 'Canada-PRC Relations since the 1980s, ' 加拿大研究, No.2, pp.319-337. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1996.12, '80年代中期以來的南韓與德國關係之研究, ' 美歐月刊, Vol.11, No.12, pp.158-169.
- 劉德海, 1996.09, '後冷戰時期北韓與日本關係之現況與展望, ' 亞洲研究, No.19, pp.80-99. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1996.09, '第十九~二十三章, '.
- 劉德海, 1996.09, '第三章~六章, '.
- 劉德海, 1996.08, '90年代加拿大與我國的經貿關係, ' 美歐月刊, Vol.11, No.8, pp.30-41.(TSSCI)
- 劉德海, 1996.07, '八0年代後期以來的南韓對東協政策, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1996.07, '1980年代後期以來南韓與東協之關係, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1995.07, '南韓外交政策及其與東協經濟合作之研究, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1995.06, '後冷戰時期中共的朝鮮半島政策與兩韓研究, '.
- 劉德海, 1995.06, '後冷戰時期中共的東北亞研究:日本與兩韓, ' 國際關係學報, No.10, pp.79-142.
- 劉德海, 1994.08, '後冷戰時期中共的朝鮮半島政策與日本政策, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1993.11, '中共對北韓政策之變遷:從戰略合作到政治支持, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1993.10, '一九八九年以來的東北亞新情勢, ' 國際關學報, No.7, pp.93-106. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1993.06, '日本邁向政軍大國與東北亞各國的反應, ' 國際關係學報, No.8, pp.81-98. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1993.02, '柯林頓政府未來對東北亞的政策, '.
- 劉德海, 1992.11, '從平壤觀點看美國與北韓關係, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1992.06, '中共的南韓政策之變遷:觀感與外交政策, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1992.03, '美日政經關係變遷之探討, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1991, 'Sino-South Konea Relations Since 1983: Toward Normalization﹖, '.
- 劉德海, 1989.11, '美國對南韓政策的回顧與展望, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1987.09, 'Korean Unification: A Selected Bibliography, '. Ref.
- 劉德海, 0403, '南韓民主化與國家安全, ' 台灣民主季刊, Vol.1, No.3, pp.25-47.(TSSCI) Ref.
Conference Papers
- 劉德海*, 2022.03, 'Taiwan-India Economic Relations in the Post-RCEP Era, ' 1st ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES INSTITUTE OF CHINESE STUDIES &, SHIV NADAR UNIVERSITY.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2021.03, '韓國與波蘭經貿關係, ' 韓國現況及建構和探索台灣特色的韓國學, 高雄大學韓國研究中心與東亞語文學系.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2020.12, 'Australia between the US and China under Morrison, ' International Conference on 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2020.09, '南韓文在寅政府與伊朗關係之研究, ' 2020 年中阿論壇學術研討會, Dept of Arabic Language and Culture.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2019.11, '不確定時代韓國對外經貿的挑戰與文在寅政府的因應對策, ' 見附件, 駐臺北韓國代表部, pp.53-65.(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2019.05, 'Enhancing Asia-EU Relations in an Era of Turbulence, ' Workshop on Respatialization of East Asia Now and Then- Cultural, Political and Economic Actors, Universität Leipzig.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2018.10, 'South Korea-India Relations in an Era of Uncertainty, ' Migration and Multiculture in the Changing Asia, 세계한상문화연구단.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2015.07, 'Japan's Responses to AEC and RCEP," International Conference on the Establishment of the AEC and RCEP: Challenges and Opportunities, ' International Conference on the Establishment of the AEC and RCEP: Challenges and Opportunities, 中華經濟研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.11, 'Keynote speech: Taiwan and Asian Economic Integration: Implications for Taiwan-EU Economic Cooperation Agreement, ' 4th Annual Geopolitical Conference (Strategic and Geopolitical Issues in the Contemporary World: Trends in Regional Conflicts and Cooperation), Institute of Political Science.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.10, 'The Security Implications of Mega-FTAs, ' mega-FTAs and the Global Economy, Berkeley APEC Study Center.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2014.09, '朝鮮半島的國際政治學:由地緣政治轉變到地緣經濟, ' 東北亞論壇:東北亞的歷史與未來:交流、信任與繁榮, 遼寧大學亞洲研究中心, pp.to be published.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2013.06, 'South Korea-EU FTA: A convergence of economic interests, ' 9th Lodz East Asia Meeting “Central Europe and East Asia”, University of Lodz.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 2011.06, 'India's Approach to Asian Economic Integration: characterized by gaining accesses to the service sector, ' the 3rd China Trade in Services Congress, China Association of Trade in Services, Ministry of Commerce.
- 劉德海, 2011.05, 'A Comparative Study of China and Japan’s FTA Strategies: Implications for Asian Regional Integration, ' International Conference on Living with Giants:A Canada-East Asia Dialogue on Regional and Global Issues, Canadian trade office in Taipei.
- 劉德海, 2011.03, 'The Political and Strategic Implications of India''s Approach to Asian Economic Integration, ' International Conference on Peace, Security and Economic Development in South Asia, Association of Asia Scholars (New Delhi) and Punjabi University.
- 劉德海, 2010.12, 'South Korea-Australia Relations under President Lee Myung-bak, ' the 19th International Conference on Sino-Korean Cultural Relations, Chinese Association for Korean Studies.
- 劉德海, 2010.10, '李明博時代的南韓與印度關係, ' Conference in Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of Department of Diplomacy, 政治大學外交系.
- 劉德海*, 2008.04, '科索沃獨立之觀察與分析:澳洲觀點, ' 「科索沃獨立之觀察與分析」座談會, 台灣國際研究學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2007.12, 'Canada’s Role in Afganistan: more than just defending Canada''s national interests, ' International Conference on Canada, NAFTA and Regional Economic Integration, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2007.12, 'Canada-Japan Relations in the 21st Century, ' International Conference on Canada, NAFTA and Regional Economic Integration, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.11, '中共入世對台商在大陸經營之衝擊, ' 中國研究團隊WORKSHOP, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.11, 'South Korea’s FTA Strategy, ' Program of the Global Trade Development Forum and Sixth Annual Convention on China and WTO, China Academy of WTO Study University of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.10, 'A Comparative Study of Australia and New Zealand’s Perceptions of Rising China: Implications for their FTA Negotiations with China, ' Workshop on Australia’s Defence and Economic Policies in the Howard Era, Center for Australian Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.07, '南韓因應中國FTA策略之對策, ' WTO與兩岸經貿關係學術研討會, 政大WTO研究中心.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.06, 'Enriched Uranium and Japan''s Security: Implications for Asia Pacific Security, ' International Expert Workshop, Flinders University.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2007.06, 'A Comparative Study of the China Factor in India and Australia’s Asia Pacific Policy, ' International Symposium on India: Energy Security and Strategy Policy, Flinders University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2007.06, 'A Comparative Study of Taiwan-India Economic Relations and South Korea-Indian Economic Relations, ' Seminar on India Studies, Australia South Asia Research Centre, Research School of Pacific & AsiaStudies.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2007.04, 'South Korea - US FTA: A Deal Beyond Trade, ' Lunchtime Colloquium, Centre for Korean Studies, The Australian National University. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.12, 'A Taiwanese Perspective on the DPRK’s Nuclear Test, ' Expert Workshop on North Korea and East Asian Security: Where To From Here?, Flinders University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.10, 'The China Factor in Asian Economic Integration, ' 5th Annual International Conference on WTO and China, China Institute of WTO studies, the University of Business & Economics.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.09, '和平觀察:東北亞, ' 2006亞太和平觀察, 財團法人台灣民主基金會, pp.181-204.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.09, '南太平洋和平觀察:澳紐, ' 2006亞太和平觀察, 財團法人台灣民主基金會, pp.325-347.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.07, 'South Korea’s FTA Strategy, ' Conference on Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific, Flinders University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.06, 'Rising China and Cross Taiwan-Straits Relations, ' China Studies Seminar at School of Political and International Studies, The Flinders Asia Centre.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.06, 'Regional Cooperation in the South Pacific Region: Taiwanese and Australian Perspectives, ' Seminar on Perspectives on East Asian Security, Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2006.03, 'Australia-Japan Relations under the Howard Government, ' Conference on John Howard’s Decade, Australian National University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*;Alagu Perumal Ramasamy*, 2005.12, 'Understanding China from its Proposals for Reforming the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding, ' International Conference on the Legal Dimensions of the Doha Round, the East Asia International Economic Law and Policy Program, the Faculty of Law, Univ. of Hong Kong.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2005.12, 'Australia’s Approach to FTA, ' International Conference on Strengthening Australia-East Asia Relations:, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2005.11, '北韓核武、六邊會談與中國之角色, ' 第五届两岸远景论坛「东亚区域整合与两岸关系」研讨会, 两岸交流远景基金会、北京现代国际关系研究院合办.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2005.09, 'India’s Relations with China and the US since 1998, ' 變遷世界中的新挑戰, 淡江大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2005.06, 'Australia-Japan Economic Relations under the Howard Government, ' Conference on Evolving Dynamics of Australia- East Asia Relations in the 21st Century, the Center for Australian Studies, College of International Affairs, NCCU.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2005.05, 'Japan’s Response to East Asian Economic Integration, ' International Symposium On Implications of the China’s WTO entry on the EU-China Trade, Environment and Development Cooperation, Wuhan University, China.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2005.04, 'South Korea’s FTA Strategy, ' the International Conference on WTO, FTA and RTA, the Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University(NCCU).(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2004.11, 'Australia-Indonesian Relations under the Howard, ' he 9th International Academic Conference for Australian Studies: Australia and Globalization, Xuzhou Normal University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2004.06, '南韓民主化與國家安全, ' 國家安全之再省思學術研討會, 政治大學外交系.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2004.05, 'Neo-conservatism, the Bush Administration and U.S.-North Korea Relations,, ' International Conference on America in Transition, Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2003.12, 'Canada’s Economic Relations with Taiwan and China in the Post-Cold War Era, ' The International Conference on Canada’s Relations with Taiwan and China Under the WTO Framework, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 2003.12, 'India''s Economic Relations with Taiwan and China in the Post-Cold War Era, ' International Conference on Taipei-New Delhi Relations after ROC''s WTO Accession at Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University.
- 劉德海*, 2003.12, '日本看北韓核武危機對東北亞區域安全之影響, ' 國家安全及軍事戰略研討會論文集, 國防大學.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2003.10, 'Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the WTO Context, ' International Conference on Taiwan-Netherlands Relations in the WTO Context, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2003.10, '日本看北韓核武危機對東北亞區域安全之影響, ' 第四屆國家安全及軍事戰略研討會, 國防大學.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2003.10, 'Australia’s Economic Relations with China and Taiwan in the Post-Cold War Era, ' International Conference on Taiwan-Australian Economic Relations in the Context of the WTO, Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2003.10, 'U.S.-South Korea Relations under the Kim Dae-jung and Beyond, ' International Conference on American Future, Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.03, 'Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Cold War Era:A Spill over from Economic Convergence to Political and Security Cooperation, ' ‘第五屆加拿大研究’國際學術研討會, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.03, '一九九八年以來的南韓與日本關係, ' ‘戰後東北亞國際秩序’國際學術研討會, 中央研究院東北亞區域研究. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.12, '冷戰後時代北韓的外交及其對東北亞的影響, ' ‘兩岸三地東北亞國際關係’學術研討會, 上海復旦大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.11, '後冷戰時期澳中及加中關係之比較研究, ' ‘APEC, WTO與二十一世紀中澳關係’國際學術研討會,國立政治大學, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.10, 'A Comparative Study of Australia-Taiwan Relations and Australia-South Korea Relations in the 1990s, ' ‘第七屆中國澳大利亞研究’國際學術研討會,, 西安外國語學院澳大利亞研究中心. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2000.06, '1992年以來的中共與兩韓關係, ' ‘二○○○年中共對外關係’學術研討會,, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1999.12, 'Taiwan-Canada Relations in the 1990s: An Example of Taiwan’s Relations with the West, ' ‘第四屆加拿大研究’學術研討會, 國立政治大學.
- 劉德海, 1999.11, '一九九○年代韓越與台越經貿關係之比較研究, ' ’第十屆中韓文化關係’國際會議, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海*, 1999.10, 'A Comparative Study of Canada''s Economic Relations with the ROC and the ROK in the 1990s, ' 韓國加拿大研究學會年會, 延世大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海, 1999.10, 'A Comparative Study of Australia-ROC Relations and Australia-ROK Relations in the 1990s, ' ‘邁向二十一世紀澳洲與東亞安全’國際學術研討會,, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1999.09, 'Taiwan-Canada Relations in the 1990s: An Example of Taiwan’s Relations with the West, ' 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Conference Group on Taiwan Studies, 美國政治學會.
- 劉德海, 1999.06, '「加拿大援外政策之研究:現實主義超越人道理念」, ' ‘各國援外政策’學術研討會, 國立政治大學.
- 劉德海, 1999.01, '後冷戰時期南北韓與日本關係, ' ‘後冷戰時期南北韓與中日美俄四強關係’學術研討會, 中央研究院. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1998.12, 'A Comparative Study of Canada''s Economic Interactions with the ROC and the ROK in the 1990s, ' 第三屆加拿大研究’學術研討會, 國立政治大學.
- 劉德海, 1998.10, 'Australia-Japan Relations in the 1990s, ' 九○年代中澳關係’國際學術研討會, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1998.10, 'Australia-Japanese Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, ' ‘第六屆中國澳大利亞研究’國際學術討論會, 北京大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1997.11, 'Canada-PRC Relations since the 1980s, ' 九○年代中加關係’國際學術研討會, 國立政治大學. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1997.10, 'Canada-Taiwan Economic Interactions in the 1990s: Opening a New hapter, ' Australasia-Canada:New Connections’ Conference, University of Western Sydney. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1996.06, 'Canada''s Relations With the ROC and South Korea in the 1990s, ' 第一屆加拿大研究學術研討會, 政大外交系.
- 劉德海, '從南北韓統一政策遷分析韓國統一的展望, ' 第十三屆中韓學者會議.
- 劉德海, 'Sino-Suth Korean Relations Since 1983: Toward Normalization﹖, ' Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.
- 劉德海, 'Sino-North Korea Relations in the 1980s: Shifting from Strategic to Political Transformation, ' Transformation in the Korean Peninsula Toward the 21st Contury: Peace, Unity and Progress, the First International Conference on Korean Studies in the U.S..
- 劉德海, '一九八九年以來的東亞新情勢, ' 國際新秩序與中華民國之角色,學術研討會.
- 劉德海, '中華民國與南韓統一政策之比較分析, ' 中國的過去現在與未來國際學術研討會. Ref.
- 劉德海, '後冷戰時期中共的朝鮮半島政策與日本政策, ' 後冷戰時期中共對外政策學術研討會. Ref.
- 劉德海, 'Korean Unification Policies: North Korea Versus South Korea, ' Asia in the 21st Century: Century of the Pocific People to Pesple International 11th Worldwide Conference. Ref.
- 劉德海, '後冷戰時期北韓與日本關係之現況與展望, ' 後冷戰時期北韓之面向問題學術研討會. Ref.
- 劉德海, '日本邁向政軍大國與東北亞各國的反應, ' 後冷戰時期亞太地區之和平與安定學術研討會. Ref.
- 劉德海, '八O年代後期以來的南韓對東協政策, ' 第八屆中韓文化關係與展望國際學術會議. Ref.
Book Edited
- 劉德海, 2003, '「一九九八年以來的南韓與日本關係, ' 戰後東北亞國際關係.
- 劉德海;陳寧寧, 2001, '韓國研究導論, ' 韓國研究導論, 中國文化大學出版. Ref.
- 劉德海, 1997.09, '八○年代中期以來的南韓對外關係:經貿外交成功的實例, ' 八○年代中期以來的南韓對外關係:經貿外交成功的實例, 永旺出版社. Ref.
- 李登科*;劉德海*, 1996.09, '國際政治, ' 國際政治, 國立空中大學.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 1991, 'China: Betwean the Two Koneas, 1984-1989, ' University of Arizona.
Book Chapters
- 劉德海*, 2022.02, 'South Korea and V4 in a New Asia-EU Era: Hungary and Poland as Dual Manufacturing Hubs, ' OBIC Book Series volume titled "Eurasia: An Emerging Concept?, Budapest Business School, pp.pp.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2021.12, 'The Romance of Three Economic Blocs: EU-China Economic Relations Evolving in an Era of Uncertainty, ' Middle-Power Responses to China’s BRI and America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.53–72.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2021.12, '文在寅政府與伊朗關係:前有狼,後有虎, ' 灣區國家政治經濟社會發展論文集, 中華民國阿拉伯文化經濟協會, pp.121-149.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2016.10, 'Taiwan's Role in the Enhancing Asia-Europe Economic Interactions, ' The Current Issues of Economic and Social Integration in Hungary and Taiwan, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference of Budapest Business School-University of Applied Sciences, Budapest Business School, pp.32-44.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2013.12, '「領土紛爭對東北亞經濟整合的衝擊」,林碧炤、鄧中堅、邱稔壌主編, ' 和平倡議與東亞區域安全, 五南出版社, pp.,頁5-28.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海*, 2013.08, 'India’s Approach to Asian Economic Integration, ' Institute of International relations NCC, pp.pp. 154-186.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 2011.08, '進入21世紀以來21 世紀南韓與東協經貿關係/瞭解當代韓國民主政治, ' 瞭解當代韓國民主政治, 台灣國際研究學會, pp.251-279.
- 劉德海, 2011, 'Cross-Taiwan Straits Economic Relations and the ECFA, ' Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations since 1979: Policy Adjustment and Institutional Change Across the Straits, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp.155-185. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2011, '2007年以來的南太平洋國際環境, ' 林正義與歐錫富主編,2009亞太和平觀察, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心, pp.341-378. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2008, '第四話 領導人的國家安全政策:台灣陳水扁大陸政策與南韓盧武鉉北韓政策中的安全因素, ' 彭慧鸞主編,蕃薯與泡菜─亞洲雙龍台韓經驗比較, 財團法人亞太文化學術交流基金會, pp.106-132.
- 劉德海, 2008, '第四章印度政黨政治與對外關係, ' 劉復國主編,印度, 財團法人兩岸交流遠景學術基金會/政治大學國際關係研, pp.91-121.
- 劉德海, 2004, '東北亞情勢發展對美中台互動之影響, ' 國際新形勢與美中台關係, 遠景基金會. Ref.
- 劉德海, 2001.12, '第一篇韓國政治,第二篇韓國經濟,第三篇韓國外交, ' 韓國研究導論, 中國文化大學出版.
- 劉德海, 2000.05, '冷戰階段的澳日關係, ' 中澳合作的廣闊前景, 北京大學出版社. Ref.
Research Report
- 劉德海*, 2019.07, 'Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and Asian Economic Integration, ' yes.(*為通訊作者)
- 劉德海*, 2006.10, '未來二十年日本軍事能力發展與區域安全評析, ' 國防部.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 劉德海, 1995.05, '後冷戰時期中共對亞洲國際關係研究之評估, ' 國科會. Ref.
- 劉德海;劉德海, '從冷戰時期中共對亞洲國際關係研究之評估, ' 國科會.
- 劉德海, 'A Comperative Study of Australia-ROC Relations and Australia-ROK Relations in the 1990s, ' 韓國加拿大研究學會.
- 劉德海, '南韓外交政策及其與東協經濟合作之研究, ' 國科會. Ref.
- 劉德海, '八0年代中期以來的南韓與西歐關係之研究:以南韓觀點為主, ' 國科會.
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