Faculty members
Journal Papers
- 黃奎博*, 2021.03, '美國拜登總統的台海政策, ' 歐亞研究, Vol.2021, No.2.(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- 黃奎博*, 2021.03, '美國川普政府對東南亞的政軍態勢, ' 全球政治評論, No.74, pp.xx-xx.(CEPS)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2021.03, 'Institutional Change in ASEAN: A Conceptual Analysis of the ASEAN Political-Security Community, ' Defence Science Review, Vol.2020, No.10, pp.xx-xx.(ICI Master List)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2020.04, 'Bringing Ethics of Global Governance Back In: A Case Study of the Republic of China (Taiwan), ' Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal, Vol.6, No.1, pp.71-103.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2020.04, '美國臺海政策的矛與盾:川普前半任期的回顧(2017-2018), ' 亞洲政經與和平研究季刊, No.3, pp.41-64.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2019.06, 'The United States and Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations after 1979, ' Asian Journal of International Studies, Vol.24-1, pp.21-35.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2019.04, 'The Origins of the ASEAN Community’s Humanitarian Component, ' Chinese Journal of International Review, Vol.1, No.1, pp.89-109.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2018.06, '「川金會」可能成形的重要條件分析, ' 交流雜誌, No.159, pp.xx-xx.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2018.01, 'Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy: Background, Objectives, Framework and Limits, ' UNISCI Journal, Vol.46, pp.47-68.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2016.09, '從國際觀的養成論我國全球化戰略的未來, ' T&D 飛訊, No.200, pp.xx-xx.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2015.02, '「一帶ㄧ路」:中國大陸的亞太夢, ' 中共研究, Vol.49, No.2, pp.77-81.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2014.12, '中國大陸的元首外交:北京APEC及布里斯本G-20峰會, ' 展望與探索, Vol.12, No.12, pp.7-10.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*;周容卉, 2014.08, '我國「南向政策」之回顧與影響, ' 展望與探索, Vol.12, No.8, pp.61-69.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2013.09, '台日漁業協定與釣魚台主權, ' 亞洲週刊, Vol.27, No.36, pp.43.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2012.11, 'Participation internationale de Taiwan: Avancées et limites de la diplomatie flexible, ' Politique Internationale, Vol.0, No.138, pp.0.(法語(文))(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2012.10, 'Peaceful Management of the Diaoyutai Dispute, ' Prospects & Perspectives, Vol.0, No.18, pp.0.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2012.07, 'Taiwan''s Role in South Korea-Mainland China Relations, ' Korea Economic Institute Forum, Vol.1, No.0, pp.3-6.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2011.09, '美國副總統拜登訪問中國大陸之觀察, ' 亞太和平月刊, Vol.3, No.9, pp.0.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2011.07, '後賓拉登時期的美國全球反恐戰略, ' 全球政治評論, No.35. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2011.03, '菲律賓遣送我國詐欺嫌疑犯至大陸事件評析, ' 展望與探索, Vol.9, No.3, pp.11-16. Ref.
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2011.03, 'The South China Sea Dispute Revisited: Stalemates, changes, and what we seem to have forgotten, ' Prospect Foundation Newsletter 2011 No.3,.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2008.08, '八大工業國家集團會議之評析, ' 歐亞研究通訊, Vol.11, No.8. Ref.
- 宋國強*;黃奎博*, 2008.08, '東協區域論壇 – 亞太安全的「雞肋」?, ' 陸軍學術雙月刊, No.500, pp.5-15.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2008.07, '我國僑民在東南亞的發展:兼論對外交之意涵, ' 亞太研究通訊, No.6, pp.133-151.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博*;宋國強, 2008.01, '《東協憲章》簽訂後的東南亞衝突管理, ' 戰略安全研析,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2007.10, '澳洲在美澳亞太戰略合作的角色與立場, ' 戰略安全研析, No.30, pp.14-17. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2007.07, '中國大陸的東南亞研究, ' 中國大陸研究中心通訊, No.14, pp.10-12. Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2007.01, '台灣國際關係研究之成果, ' 東亞季刊, Vol.38, No.174-179.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*, 2006.06, '''Transformational Diplomacy and Taipei-Beijing-Washington Relations, ' Views and Policies, Vol.2, No.4, pp.43-63.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2006, '論新保守主義及其對美國東南亞外交與安全政策之影響, ' 全球政治評論, No.16, pp.49-72. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005.10, '聯合國六十週年元首高峰會之意義與影響, ' 歐亞研究通訊, Vol.8, No.10. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005.09, 'The Anti-Secession Law and the Distributive Bargaining across the Taiwan Strait, ' Views and Policies, Vol.2, No.1, pp.93-112. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005.07, '中台の信賴釀成措置に影響をおよぼす要因, ' 問題と研究,.(日語(文))
- 黃奎博*, 2005.07, '「東協加三」與區域合作:東北亞與東南亞的動態連結, ' 國際關係學報, pp.未定.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005.02, '萊斯上任後的美國外交政策走向, ' 歐亞研究通訊, Vol.8, No.2.
- 黃奎博, 2005, '瞭解談判優勢的個人因素:理性與情緒, ' T & D 飛訊, No.37. Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2004.09, 'PRC Foreign Policy and Its Recent Development, ' Views and Policies: Taiwan Forum, Vol.1, No.1, pp.55-72.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2004.08, '東協區域論壇的反恐措施與展望, ' 展望與探索, Vol.2, No.8, pp.14-17.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2003.04, '當前美伊戰爭對未來兩岸關係之啟發, ' 展望與探索, Vol.1, No.4, pp.6-8. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2003.03, '東亞貿易自由化的合縱連橫, ' 全球工商, No.552, pp.4-5.
- 黃奎博*, 2003, 'Australia-United States Security Relations and Implications for the Republic of China, ' Taiwanese Journal of Australian Studies, Vol.4.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.09, '九一一週年回顧, ' 歐亞研究通訊, Vol.5, No.9. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.06, 'Analyzing Cooperation and Conflict in International Security: The Micro-Macro Linkage Approach, ' Chinese Political Science Review, Vol.34, pp.77-107. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.03, 'Globalization, Transforming Sovereignty and the Republic of China''s South China Sea Strategy, ' Taiwan Defense Affairs, Vol.2, No.3, pp.80-107.
- 黃奎博, 2000.12, '冷戰後中共與東南亞國協之政治合作, ' 國際關係學報, No.15, pp.173-214. Ref.
Conference Papers
- 陳偉華*;黃奎博, 2019.11, '美「中」關係四十年:從正常化到裂變, ' 「中山思想與當代國家發展」學術研討會, 中國文化大學國家發展與中國大陸研究所, pp.21-44.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2019.03, '美國對東南亞區域的政軍態勢--兼論對中國大陸的影響, ' 中美關係及其對亞太國際關係的影響, 全球華人政治學家論壇.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2018.05, '中華民族與文化復興:一個兩岸關係的觀點, ' 首屆國家統一與民族復興研討會論文集, 華中師範大學台灣與東亞研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2018.05, '美國臺海政策的矛與盾, ' 特朗普政府的大戰略與中美關係研討會論文集, 浙江大學美國研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2017.06, '「九二共識」和台灣青年的「台灣主體性」, ' 第二屆兩岸關係發展(四川)研討會, 四川省台灣研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2017.04, 'Preliminary Analysis of Taiwan’s “New Southbound Policy”, ' Taiwan’s Foreign Policy after 2016 US Presidential Election, Madre Ángles de Dios Institute of Latin American Studies, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2017.02, 'Bringing Ethics of Global Governance Back In: A case study of Taiwan, ' Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, International Studies Association.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2017.02, '從東協到東協共同體:制度變遷的理論性觀察, ' 第一屆兩岸東盟研究論壇, 台北論壇基金會&廣西社科院東南亞研究所.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2016.07, '台灣在亞太經濟整合中的前景, ' “亚太地区的政经互动”国际学术研讨会, 遼寧大學國際關係學院.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwie-Bo Huang*, 2016.06, 'Competing Regional Projects as a Challenge to National Schools of IR, ' International Studies Association - Asia Pacific, International Studies Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2016.05, 'Innovating Public Diplomacy, ' Soft power and public diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific, Griffith University.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2015.12, 'Taiwan's International Space: More or Less, ' Assessing the Ma Ying-jiu Era, Universität Tübingen & Nottingham Univ.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2015.11, 'Taiwan’s Viable Diplomacy and International Space: A Late-stage Review, ' International Conference on International Conference on Asia-Pacific in Transition, Grad Inst for Sun Yat-sen Thoughts & Mainland China Studies, Private Chinese Culture University.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2013.12, 'The Korean Peninsula Unification Re-visit: What It Tells Us about Our Research, ' The Current Standoff and Roadmap for the Future, Columbia University School of Law, pp.122-131.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2013.12, '活路外交2.0--理論與政策的對話, ' 中華民國國際關係學會第六屆學術研討會, 中華民國國際關係學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*;許源派, 2013.10, '中華民國外交人員考選制度, ' 2013考選制度國際暨兩岸學術研討會, 中華民國考選部、中國人事行政學會, pp.76-89.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*;盧政鋒*, 2012.11, '美「中」關係之展望: 敵友難辨的「新型大國關係」﹖, ' 新形勢下之亞太格局與兩岸關係學術研討會, 銘傳大學兩岸研究中心、中國大陸研究學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2012.10, '西太平洋周邊海域之戰略安全現狀, ' (未定), 中華民國外交部、中興大學日本總合研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2012.08, 'Taiwan: What to Ask of the U.S., ' Symposium on East Asian Security, The Prospect Foundation.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2011.12, 'Taiwan''s Relations with the United States and Mainland China: A Prudently Optimistic View, ' The Korean-Chinese Association of Social Science Studies International Conference, The Korean-Chinese Association of Social Science Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2011.07, 'The Asia-Pacific Context of Cross-Strait Relations, ' Facing the Challenges to Cross-Strait Relations in 201, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2011.06, 'The Involvement of PRC''s Civil Society in UN Peacekeeping in Asia: An Emerging Dilemma for State Control?, ' Growth, Governance and Equity: Exploring the Social Implications of China''s Economic Transformation" International Conference, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2009.11, 'Cross-Strait CBMs: Taiwan''s Views on Opportunities, Obstacles, and Challenges, ' 21st Annual CAPS/RAND/INSS/CEIP Conference on the PLA.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang), 2008.07, 'An Emerging Humanitarian Component in the ASEAN Community: Past, Present and Future, ' The Second World International Studies Conference (WISC). Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2008.06, '兩岸和平發展的安全新思維, ' 第二屆兩岸和平論壇研討會, 中興大學國際政治研究所與中興大學全球和平與戰略研究中心. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2008.05, '台僑在東南亞之生根與發展, ' 2008年僑務發展之外交意涵學術研討會, 僑務委員會.
- 黃奎博, 2007.11, '南海地區形勢發展與評估, ' 二○○七年兩岸南海問題學術研討會, 國際關係研究中心、亞太安全合作理事會(CSCAP)中華民國委員會、中國南海研究院. Ref.
- 黃奎博*;譚偉恩, 2007.04, 'International System and the Formation of "World Society", ' Seminar on Barry Buzan''s Work in International Relations, 政治大學外交系.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*, 2007.03, 'The Formation and Evolution of the Republic of China''s Worldview: Implications for Its Foreign Policy toward East Asia, ' International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association (ISA).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang), 2007, 'Can ASEAN be a Third Party Mediator in the Dispute over the South China Sea?, ' International Conference on Peace Building in the Asia Pacific: The Role of Third Parties, Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2006.11, '「中國-東協自由貿易區」之談判:重新檢視Richard H. Solomon的分析架構, ' 企業邁向國際商務整合實務研討會, 致理技術學院國際貿易系. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2006.11, '論新保守主義對美國東南亞安全政策之影響, ' 第四屆國防戰略與台海安全學術研討會, 中興大學國際戰略研究所與中興大學全球和平與戰略研究中心. Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang), 2006.03, 'When Uncle Sam Meets Vacillating David and Confident Goliath: The United States and the Mediation in Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations, ' International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association (ISA). Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2006, '台灣國際關係研究之成果, ' 兩岸國際政治研究之回顧與前瞻學術研討會, 政治大學國際事務. Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang), 2005.09, 'The ASEAN Security Community and Disaggregation of Sovereignty? A Provisional Analysis, ' International Conference on New Challenges in a Changing World, Prospect Foundation. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005.07, '二次美伊戰後美國總統與國會在外交權的爭奪:以戰爭權力的觀點為例, ' 希政府外交政策回顧與展望研討會, 國家展望文教基金會. Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2005.03, 'Managing Southeast Asian Security: The ASEAN Security Community and Institutional Change in ASEAN, International Studies Association ISA) Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA., ' 46th International Studies Association Annual Conference, International Studies Association (ISA).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2004.10, '"The Transformation of ASEAN as a Third-Party Mediator in Intraregional Disputes of Southeast Asia", ' Workshop on International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C..(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2004.06, '國家主權觀與東南亞國協之預防外交 -- 兼論我國在南海爭議因應之道, ' 國家安全之再思考研討會, 政治大學外交系.
- 黃奎博*, 2004.02, '"ASEAN+3 and Regional Cooperation: The Dynamic Nexus of Northeast and Southeast Asia", ' 11th Conference on the Asia-Pacific Regional Relations, Yonsei University.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2004.02, '"Regional Development: A Perspective from Taiwan", ' The Sixth ASEAN-ISIS-IIR Taiwan Dialogue, ASEAN-Institutes of Strategic & International Studies; Institute of International Relations, NCCU.
- 黃奎博*, 2003.11, 'U.S. and ASEAN in the Era of Anti-Terrorism, ' International Conference on American Future, Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2003.11, '回應 Jonathan Wilkenfeld教授演說內容, ' Workshop on International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.12, '從東南亞自由貿易變局看我國經濟外交政策, ' 外交政策公共論壇, 中華民國台北市.
- 黃奎博, 2002.12, 'Rethinking Preventive Diplomacy in Southeast Asia, ' 第二屆「國家安全與軍事戰略」學術研討會, 國防大學. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.11, '當前信心建立措施與兩岸關係發展之研究, ' 我國國防安全危機預判及信心建立措施之研究學術研討會.
- 黃奎博, 2002.11, 'Australia-United States Security Relations and the Implications for the Republic of China, ' International Conference on East Timor and Australian Security: Implications for East Asia, NCCU Department of Diplomacy & Australian Commerce and Industry Office. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.07, 'Globalization, Transforming Sovereignty and the Republic of China''s South China Sea Strategy, ' CISS/ International Studies Association Annual (ISA) Fourth Millennium Conference, CISS/ISA.
- 黃奎博, 2000.06, '冷戰後中共與東南亞國協之政治、軍事合作, ' 冷戰後中共外交關係研討會, 政治大學外交系.
- 黃奎博, 2000.03, 'Big Power Politics Trumps Democratization: The Republic of China''s foreign policy making since the 1980s, ' International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association.
- 黃奎博, 1999.04, 'Avoiding War: A study of changing PRC-ASEAN security relations, ' American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Meeting, American Association for Chinese Studies. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 1999.02, 'Post Cold War Security Building in Southeast Asia: Equivocal ASEAN-PRC security relations, ' International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 1998.10, 'The Indeterminate Political Effects of the ROC''s Investment in the PRC, ' American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Meeting, American Association for Chinese Studies.
Book Edited
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2012.03, 'In Pursuit of Gradual Stabilization and Peace Dividends: Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations and Their Influence on the Asia Pacific, ' Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian St.(*為通訊作者)
- Jacob Bercovitch;Kwei-Bo Huang*;Chung-Chian Teng, 2008.05, 'Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia: Third-party Mediation in Regional Conflict, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2003.06, '亞太綜合安全年報, ' 財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會.
- 黃奎博, 2001.06, 'The Association of South East Asian Nations Confidence and Security Building with the Peoples Republic of China: Internal constraints and policy implications, ' Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies.
- 黃奎博, 2001, 'Confidence and Security Buliding between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People''s Republic of CHima after the Cold War,unpublished doctoral dissertation,Department of Goverment and Politics,University of Maryland, Colle, ' 1, 3.
Book Chapters
- 黃奎博*, 2021.09, 'The U.S. and Unresolved Cross-Strait Relations: From Trump to Biden, ' From Trump to Biden: Reimagining US-China Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.Chapter 9.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2020.12, '外交如何讓國家不安全, ' 國家不安全: 臺灣如何轉危為安, 財團法人馬英九文教基金會, pp.56-62.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2020.01, '外交與決策分析, ' 國際關係總論, 揚智, pp.191-222.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2019.12, '我國國際空間的本質、現況與未來, ' 哪來的芒果乾, 時報, pp.122-138.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2018.06, 'More International Space for Taiwan or Less?, ' Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu, Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, Routledge, pp.249-274.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2017.03, 'The Politics of Mainland China's Economic Statecraft in Relation to Current Cross-Strait Relations, ' Series on Contemporary China: China's Economic Statecraft - Co-optation, Cooperation and Coercion, World Scientific Publishing, pp.1-35.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2016.07, 'Taiwan's Foreign Policy and International Space, ' Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan, Routledge, pp.465-481.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2013.03, '「活路外交2.0」及其機會與障礙, ' 兩岸關係的機遇與挑戰, 五南, pp.191-207.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2012.12, '台灣對東協外交政策之軌跡與評估, ' 東南亞區域整合:台灣觀點 (暫定名稱), 中華經濟研究院東南亞國協研究中心.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2011, 'Cross-Strait CBMs: Taiwan’s Views on Opportunities, Obstacles, and Challenges, ' New Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwan''s Security, RAND Corporation, pp.25-32.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博*, 2009.05, '從「零和」走向「雙贏」:我國活路外交的戰略轉折, ' 馬總統執政後的兩岸新局:論兩岸關係的新路向, 兩岸交流遠景基金會, pp.69-84.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*, 2008.05, 'The Transformation of ASEAN as a Third-party Mediator in Intra-regional Disputes of Southeast Asia, ' Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia: Third-party Mediation in Regional Conflict, Routledge, pp.147-164.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*, 2008.05, 'Reflections on Conflict Management and Third-party Mediation in East Asia, ' Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia: Third-party Mediation in Regional Conflict, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2007.10, '論新保守主義及其對美國東南亞外交與安全政策之影響, ' 當前全球戰略發展的新視野, 鼎茂圖書. Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*, 2007.05, 'The Role of ASEAN as a Third Party Mediator in the Dispute over the South China Sea, ' Peace Building in Asia Pacific: The Role of Third Parties, Inst for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen U.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳鴻瑜;黃奎博;林若雩;陳佩修, 2006, '地緣政治與中共對東南亞之外交戰略, ' 地緣政治與中共外交戰略, 中華歐亞基金會. Ref.
- 黃奎博(Kwei-Bo Huang)*;張子超(Eric Teo Chu Cheow), 2006, 'Recent Developments and Implications of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, ' Trading Arrangements in the Pacific Rim: ASEAN and APEC, Oceana Publications / Oxford University.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博, 2005, '"東南亞區域情勢與對美中台三方之影響",收錄於陳一新主編,美台總統大選與國際情勢(暫訂名稱)。, ' 財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會.
- 黃奎博, 2004, '"The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Its Diplomatic and Strategic Significance" in Paul J. Davidson, ed., Trading Arrangements in the Pacific Rim: ASEAN and APEC, ' Oceana Publications.
- 陳一新;周煦;黃奎博, 2004, '"東南亞情勢發展對美中臺三互動之影響," 收錄於陳一新主編,國際新形勢與美中臺關係(台北:遠景基金會), '.
- 黃奎博, 2003.08, '"外交與決策分析," 收錄於張亞中主編,國際關係總論(台北:揚智), ' 揚智出版社.
- 孫國祥;黃奎博, 2003.08, '"國際法與國際組織," 收錄於張亞中主編,國際關係總論(台北:揚智), ' 揚智出版社.
- 黃奎博, 2003.01, '美國與亞太關係—反恐優先、穩定第一,收錄於李英明主編,2002-2003亞太發展形式與展望, ' 財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會.
- 黃奎博, 2002.04, 'Introduction: Conflict Management between the Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait, ' 戰略研究系列, 國防大學國家戰略研究中心.
- 黃奎博, 2002.04, 'Rethinking Preventive Diplomacy in Southeast Asia, ' 國防大學國家戰略研究中心. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002, '2002-2003亞太形勢與未來展望, ' 2002-2003亞太形勢與未來展望, 財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會.
Research Report
- 黃奎博*, 2014.04, 'Beyond the Cross-Strait Trade in Services Agreement: Seeking a “2014 Consensus” for Taiwan, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2010, '聯合國在東南亞區域之衝突解決與和平建立:一個幾乎沒有大國參與的模式? (II&III), ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 包宗和;林正義;黃奎博;葛永光;嚴震生, 2008, '美國兩黨總統候選人之外交政策及其對台影響, ' 中華歐亞基金會.
- 黃奎博, 2007, '聯合國在東南亞之衝突解決與和平建立:一個少有大國參與的模式?(1), ' 國家科學委員會.
- 黃奎博, 2006, '國際組織之制度變遷:東南亞國協在安全共同體制度發展之逐步適應與互賴學習(II), ' 國家科學委員會. Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2005, '國際組織之制度變遷:東南亞國協在安全共同體制度發展之逐步適應與互賴學習(I), ' 國家科學委員會. Ref.
- 黃奎博*;林若雩;詹滿容;陳佩修;戴萬平, 2005, '東協十加三後續發展及對我政經之影響, ' 中華歐亞基金會.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2004.12, '"The United States as a Mediator in Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations?: A tentative assessment.", ' 行政院大陸委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 邱坤玄*;董立文*;黃奎博;及其他多位研究人員, 2004, '四年期程國家安全情勢評估, ' 中華歐亞基金會.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳鴻瑜;楊志恆;黃奎博;陳文賢, 2003, '中共南亞、東南亞睦鄰政策對兩岸關係之影響,政策報告No. 920009, ' 中華歐亞基金會.
- 劉義周*;陳陸輝;黃奎博, 2003, '「第三次外交議題」之民意調查研究, ' 外交部.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2003, '國家主權觀與東南亞國協之預防外交:以南海主權爭議為例, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃奎博, 2002.02, 'The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area: Background, Framework and Political Implications, ' Taiwan Research Institute.
- 黃奎博, 1998.12, '關於美國主要智庫及中國通的調查研究, ' 國家統一委員會.
- 黃奎博*, 2023.05, '兩岸對話的智慧: 君子和而不同, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2018.06, '「川金會」可能成形的重要條件分析, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃奎博*, 2016.09, 'Hard and Soft Messages but No Clear, '.(*為通訊作者)
- Kwei-Bo Huang*, 2013.05, 'One Down, How Many to Go? The Taiwan-Japan Fishery Agreement and Its Implications, '.(*為通訊作者)
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 112
- 美中競爭背景下的東亞區域安全風險國際學術研討會
- Principal Investigator
- 2023-03~2023-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 111
- 新北市110學年度國中、國小模擬聯合國大會實施計畫
- Principal Investigator
- 2022-05~2022-05
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 106
- 川普政府對亞太多邊組織之政策研討會
- Principal Investigator
- 2017-12~2017-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試漁業行政、國際文教行政、僑務行政類科應試專業科目命題大綱委託研究計畫
- Principal Investigator
- 2013-07~2013-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 100
- 兩岸事務協商幕僚人員談判理論基礎班
- 2011-05~2011-07
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 101
- 訪問學人獎助金
- 美國布魯金斯研究院東北亞政策研究中心(Brookings Institution Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies)
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 97
- 美國傅爾布萊特(Fulbright)資深學人獎助金
- 傅爾布萊特基金會
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- USA/University of Maryland,College Park
- Government and Politics
- Ph.D.
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 副教授
- 外交學系
- 2007-02 ~ 2021-08
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 助理教授
- 外交學系
- 2002-08 ~ 2007-02
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 副院長
- 國際事務學院
- 2019-08 ~ 2020-03
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 副院長
- 國際事務學院
- 2018-08 ~ 2019-07
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 副院長
- 國際事務學院
- 2017-08 ~ 2018-07
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 學程主任
- 國際研究英語碩士學位學程
- 2012-08 ~ 2013-07
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 主任
- 國際研究英語碩士學位學程
- 2011-08 ~ 2012-07
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 組長
- 研究發展處企畫組
- 2008-08 ~ 2009-02