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PING-KUEI CHEN Professor, Director of EMPinSIA(戰略專班)
Title Professor, Director of EMPinSIA(戰略專班)
Ext. 50904
E-mail pkchen@nccu.edu.tw
Classification Full-Time
Journal Papers
  • 陳秉逵*, 2024.02, '不丹-中國邊界問題與中印競爭, ' 亞太區域情勢月刊, Vol.2024, No.2, pp.7-10.(*為通訊作者)
  • 臧正運;楊岳平*;陳秉逵, 2023.11, 'Disciplining CBDCs: Achieving the Balance between Privacy Protection and Central Bank Independence, ' Northwestern Journal of Law and Business, Vol.43, No.3, pp.235-289.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2022.12, '論印太安全合作的重建與新建:以四方會談與美英澳協議為例, ' 國際關係學報, No.54, pp.21-55.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2022.08, '黯淡的珍珠:2022年斯里蘭卡經濟危機剖析, ' 戰略安全研析, No.175, pp.25-37.(*為通訊作者)
  • 臧正運*;陳秉逵, 2022.04, 'Policy Responses to Cross-border Central Bank Digital Currencies – Assessing the Transborder Effects of Digital Yuan, ' Capital Markets Law Journal, Vol.17, No.2, pp.237-261.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 臧正運*;陳秉逵, 2022.03, 'Understanding Policy Diffusion Mechanism of Financial Regulatory Innovation: The Experience of Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol.30, No.1, pp.21-43.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵;臧正運*, 2021.06, '初探新興金融監理制度之擴散:以監理沙盒為例, ' 問題與研究, Vol.ˊ60, No.2, pp.1-58.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2020.09, '論未定疆界對持續領土爭端的衝突緩和作用:以2017中印洞朗對峙為例, ' 問題與研究, Vol.59, No.3, pp.1-44.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2020.09, 'The Prospects of the US Alliance System in Asia: Managing from the Hub, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.56, No.3, pp.1-34.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 楊一逵*;陳秉逵, 2020.09, '中共網際權力之初探: 以資訊與通訊科技在國際合作中之吸引力為觀察, ' 中國大陸研究, Vol.63, No.3, pp.119-172.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2019.09, '武裝部隊的忠誠與團結 對內戰發生之影響, ' 政治科學論叢, No.81, pp.31-68.(TSSCI, THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2019.04, 'Taiwan’s ‘people-centered’ New Southbound Policy and its impact on US–Taiwan relations, ' The Pacific Review, Vol.33, No.5, pp.813-841.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2018.12, '公諸於眾:淺析同盟合作中的盟友間爭端, ' 台灣政治學刊, Vol.22, No.2, pp.103-145.(SSCI, THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2018.04, '一帶一路與南亞: 中印關係與孟加拉灣經濟走廊前景, ' 歐亞研究, No.3, pp.47-54.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2018.01, 'Sitting outside the Network: reassuring the stability of Taiwan Strait under the Trump administration, ' UNISCI Journal, Vol.Nº 46, pp.25-46.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Conference Papers
  • 楊岳澤*;陳秉逵, 2023.11, '詛咒還是機遇:初探南亞地區僑匯與貪腐關係, ' 台灣政治學會2023年會, 中山大學政治學研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • 臧正運*;楊岳平*;陳秉逵*, 2022.09, 'Disciplining Central Banks: Addressing the Privacy Concerns of CBDCs and Central Bank Independence, ' DC Fintech Week, Georgetown University Institute of International Economic Law, Bank for International Settlements.(*為通訊作者)
  • 臧正運*;陳秉逵*, 2021.10, 'Policy Responses to Cross-border Central Bank Digital Currencies: Assessing the Transborder Effects of Digital Yuan, ' DC Fintech Week, Georgetown University Institute of International Economic Law, Bank for International Settlements.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2017.02, 'The Borrowed Sword: examining indirect and clandestine repression of governments, ' International Studies Association annual convention, International Studies Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2016.10, 'Australia-US Alliance in the Asia-Pacific Region, ' International Conference on Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific,, Department of Diplomacy, NCCU, Taiwan.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵*, 2016.09, 'When frictions do not cause rift: explaining the strategy of ambiguity in alliance management, ' American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Book Chapters
  • 陳秉逵, 2018, 'Universal Participation without Taiwan? A Study on Taiwan’s participation in the global health governance sponsored by the World Health Organization, ' Asia-Pacific Security Challenges, Springer, pp.263-282.
  • Scott Kastner*;William Reed;陳秉逵, 2017.10, 'A Farewell to Arms? US security relations with Taiwan and the prospects for stability in the Taiwan Strait, ' Taiwan and China, Unviersity of California Press, pp.221-238.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秉逵, 2017.08, '國際關係, ' 國際關係, 前程文化, pp.93-114.
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