楊文琪*, 2023.09, 'Cross-Strait relations loom large in Taiwan’s presidential election, ' East Asia Forum, pp.1-2.(*為通訊作者)
Wen-Chi Yang*;Wen-Min Lu, 2023.02, 'Achieving Net Zero—An Illustration of Carbon Emissions Reduction with A New Meta-Inverse DEA Approach, ' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.20, No.5, pp.4044.(SSCI, SCIE, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alagu Perumal Ramasamy*;Indira Ananth;Wen-Chi Yang, 2022.03, 'A Pro-Environmental Value Construct to Deal With Plastic Pollution, ' International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-16.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Wen-Chi Yang*;Wen-Min Lu;Alagu Perumal Ramasamy, 2021.07, 'International Environmental Efficiency Trends and the Impact of the Paris Agreement, ' Energies, Vol.14, No.15, pp.4503.(SCIE, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*;李育明, 2016.09, 'A Quantitative Analysis of Energy and Emission Efficiencies: a Case Study of APEC Economics, ' 國際關係學報, No.42, pp.97-138.(*為通訊作者)
Wen-Chi Yang;Yuh-Mng Lee;Jin-Li Hu, 2016.08, 'Urban sustainability assessment of Taiwan based on data envelopment analysis, ' Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.61, pp.341-353.(SCI)
Wen-Chi Yang*;Tzu-yung Kuo;To-hai Liou, 2024.10, 'The Impact of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy on Australia-Taiwan Relations: Achievements and Future Prospects, ' 9th FASIC Conference of Australian Studies in China (FASIC 9), Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture (IAC) at Western Sydney University and FASIC.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*;過子庸, 2024.06, 'Australia's Role in Taiwan's New Southbound Policy, ' Australia in the World International Conference, Center for Australian Studies, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*, 2022.10, 'Achieving Net Zero: an empirical study of TSMC’s supply chain, ' Sustainable Development and Semiconductor Industry in Asia, Center for Australian Studies, College of International Relations, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*, 2020.11, 'Evaluating the performance of the Healthcare Industry in the US: Does CSR Matter?, ' 第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 清華大學工業工程系、台灣作業研究學會.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*, 2020.11, 'Evaluating Energy Efficiency of East Asia and Pacific Economics, ' Prosperous and Dynamic East Asia - Multidisciplinary Approaches to its Culture, Economy, Trade, and Technology, 文化大學.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*;李育明, 2014.02, 'Evaluation of municipal solid waste recycling performance and its contribution to sustainable development: A case study of Taiwan, ' The 4th Congress of East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*;李育明, 2013.06, 'Urban Metabolism and Sustainability Assessment of Taiwan s Major Cities – The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis, ' :7th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2013), International Society for Industrial Ecology.(*為通訊作者)
楊文琪*;李育明, 2012.12, 'Revising Taiwan’s Sustainability Development Indicator System with Incorporation of VulnerabilityAssessment on Climate Change, ' The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance, Keio University, Japan.(*為通訊作者)