Full-Time Faculty Recruitment for College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University
Field of Specialization: Focus on "Middle Eastern Studies" or "Central Asian Studies," with an emphasis on expertise in Islam, conflict, terrorism or geopolitics studies.
Position: One full-time faculty position at or above the rank of Assistant Professor.
- Educational Requirements: A Ph.D. degree in a relevant field.
- Teaching Ability: Capable of teaching in English.
Start Date: August 1, 2025
Required Documents:
- Resume, future research plan, and list of academic publications.
- Copy of Ph.D. degree certificate (for degrees from foreign institutions, please have the educational documents verified by the nearest Taiwan embassy, consulate or representative office).
- Transcripts from Master’s and Ph.D. programs (for non-English transcripts please attach a Chinese translation).
- Copies of doctoral dissertation and publications from the last 5 years (up to five items).
- Syllabi for four proposed courses on Middle Eastern or Central Asian Studies (at least two course must be taught in English).
- Two recommendation letters (can be written in English or Chinese; must be sent directly by the recommenders to the email: dip50916@nccu.edu.tw or mailed to the "Faculty Recruitment Committee, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University").
Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, Monday, March 3, 2025 (Taiwan Time).
Additional Information: Candidates shortlisted after the first-stage review will be invited for an interview and a teaching demonstration.
Application Submission
- Both hard copies and soft copies are required.
- Send hard copies to:
(Please indicate "New Faculty Recruitment_Applicant’s Name" on the cover and ensure it is delivered by 5:00 PM, Monday, March 3, 2025 (Taiwan Time). Late submissions will not be accepted.)
- Department of Diplomacy , North Wing, 9th Floor, General Building, No. 64, Section 2, Zhinan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan.
- Soft copies (electronic and scanned files) should be sent to: dip50916@nccu.edu.tw with the title: "New Faculty Recruitment - [Your Name]" (If the file size exceeds 10 MB, use a cloud storage link or send the files in multiple emails.
(Please submit by 5:00 PM, Monday, March 3, 2025 (Taiwan Time). If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 business days, please contact our staff in charge, Ms. Chen, at +886-2-2939-3091 ext. 50916 to ensure successful delivery).
Contact information:
Phone: +886-2-2939-3091 ext. 50916
Email: dip50916@nccu.edu.tw
※Note: Submitted hard copies of application materials will not be returned.
- 學歷要求:具國內外大學博士學位。
- 教學能力:具英語授課能力。
- 個人履歷表、未來研究計畫及學術著作目錄。
- 博士學位證書影本(如為國外學歷,需將學歷證件先行送我駐外館處驗證)。
- 碩、博士班成績單(除英文外,其他外文成績單,請附中文翻譯)。
- 博士學位論文及近5年內論著(至多五件)。
- 自訂四門與中東或中亞研究相關之擬開授課程授課大綱。(至少二門須為英文授課)
- 推薦信二封(英文或中文皆可;須由推薦人直接寄到email:dip50916@nccu.edu.tw或郵寄到「國立政治大學外交學系【專任教師甄選委員會】」)。
- 請同時寄送紙本及電子檔資料;
- 紙本資料請寄:
- 電子檔資料請寄:dip50916@nccu.edu.tw,主旨為:「新聘教師甄選_姓名」(請於臺灣時間2025年3月3日(星期一)17:00前寄達。為確保電郵順利送達,若您未於3個工作天內收到回信,敬請來電02-2939-3091#50916陳助教確認。)(若檔案大小超過10MB,請提供雲端連結或分次寄送)
- 聯絡電話:886-2-2939-3091 ext.50916陳助教