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會議時間:2024 11 29 日(星期五)09:0017:20




  • 政治大學俄羅斯研究所
  • 政治大學外交學系
  • 中興大學國際政治研究所
  • 政治大學歐盟研究學分學程
  • 政治大學國家安全與大陸研究所碩士在職專班




報名連結: https://reurl.cc/g6947z




  1. 本次活動中午備有便當,本會以本校活動報名系統上名單為準。
  2. 若僅參加"上午場"或"下午場"仍需要準備餐點者,也請務必於報名系統內勾選。
  3. 若僅參加上午場者,得於上午場結束後領取餐點;僅參加下午場且有登記便當者,請於12:30前至本會領取餐點。                
  4. 詳細議程後續補上,若有疑問請來信本院蔡助教ocia@nccu.edu.tw或詹同學112253501@g.nccu.edu.tw


College of International Affairs

International Conference on

“The Russo-Ukrainian War and European Security”

Conference Theme:

     This international conference aims to explore the far-reaching implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War on European security and global stability. As the conflict continues to reshape political, military, and economic landscapes across Europe and beyond, experts from various disciplines will gather to analyze its impact on defense strategies, geopolitical alliances, and regional security architecture. The event will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, and research presentations from leading academics, policymakers, and practitioners, offering insights into how this war is influencing European Union policies, NATO's role, and broader global security dynamics.
      The conference provides a platform for robust dialogue, fostering collaboration among stakeholders committed to understanding the evolving security challenges and developing strategies to address them in a rapidly changing world.

Date: 09:00~17:20, Friday, November 29, 2024

Venue: International Conference Hall, 5th Floor, General Building, NCCU, Taiwan

Organizer: College of International Affairs, NCCU, Taiwan


  • Department of Diplomacy, NCCU
  • Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, NCCU
  • Graduate Institute of International Politics, NCHU
  • Program in European Union Studies, NCCU
  • Master Program in National Security and Mainland China Studies, NCCU


Registration link: https://reurl.cc/g6947z



  • For the detailed agenda, we will update soon!
  • Lunch will be provided during this event. We will refer to the participants' list on the university's event registration system.

  • If you have any questions, please contact Kenelm Tsai at ocia@nccu.edu.tw or 112253501@g.nccu.edu.tw.


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